Top 5 best Star Wars video games of all time

 Top 5 best Star Wars video games of all time.

1. Star Wars: Knights of The Old Republic (2003, Xbox, PC) 

And of course, no list of the best Star Wars games would be complete without mentioning Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic. Set thousands of years before the events of the movies, Knights of the Old Republic was something extraordinary because it offered fans of the franchise a completely different look at the Star Wars universe. While other games on the list certainly added depth to the Star Wars lore, Knights of the Old Republic completely immerses you in this fictional universe with rich additions to what we knew about the galaxy at the time. Nothing has quite lived up to the promise of being a Jedi traversing the galaxy in an epic space adventure filled with memorable locations, quests and interesting characters like KOTOR. And that's why, nearly 20 years later, Knights of the Old Republic is remembered not only as a benchmark in the RPG genre, but also as a pinnacle in Star Wars video games.

2. Star Wars: TIE Fighter (1994, Microsoft Windows, DOS, Macintosh, Classic Mac OS)

TIE Fighter remains the best Empire game ever made. A sequel to X-wing, it puts you in the shoes of a TIE pilot who must deal with Imperial intrigue while shooting down numerous X-wings, Y-wings and Z-95 headhuntersWith a surprisingly strong story spanning much of the original trilogy, few flight simulators do a better job of mixing complex mechanics with accessible arcade gameplay than TIE Fighter. More importantly, it gave us the TIE Defender, the flagship of the TIE line.Many Star Wars games have you play as the Empire and then let your character see the light. TIE Fighter takes the Empire for the villain that it is, and it's better that way.

3. Lego Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga (2022, PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X/S, Switch)

As the latest entry and return to form in the LEGO Star Wars series, The Skywalker Saga should be (and in some ways is) the first Star Wars video game. It's the only game where you can play as almost every character in the Star Wars universe and play out all nine stories from the main films. In some cases, there are even slight changes to the story that can add context or fill in gaps between episodes. The reinvented combat mechanics and the addition of a voice acting system are confusing at first if you're a fan of the old school Lego Star Wars, but they're a welcome change to the formula that feels fresh. Plus, the graphics updated to next-gen hardware look great, while still maintaining Lego's signature art style and comedy. This is one of the best LEGO games you can play right now.

4. Star Wars Rogue Squadron 2: Rogue Leader (GameCube)

Rogue Leader was a showcase for the Gamecube when it was released, and it's easy to see why. However, beyond its visual appeal, the second Rogue Squadron offered one of the most beautiful interpretations of the famous trench run ever made in a video game.

Compared to its more complicated TIE Fighter cousin, Rogue Leader is an unrepentant arcade game, pitting you against waves of TIEs in a variety of familiar Star Wars settings, all in a robust package that also includes bonus ships and missions, allowing you to fly everything from the Millennium Falcon to the N-1 Naboo fighter.It's a complete experience for Star Wars nerds, which is both one of the best Star Wars games and one of the best GameCube games. We'd love a proper re-release now, thanks.

5. Star Wars Jedi Knight 2: Jedi Outcast (2002, PC, OS X, GameCube, Xbox)

While Star Wars: Dark Forces introduced us to anti-hero Kyle Katarn, and Jedi Knight saw him embrace the Force, it was in Jedi Outcast that Katarn really shined.

Jedi Outcast still offered a plethora of weapons to wield and sprawling levels to explore that the series was known for, but nothing compared to its lightsaber battles back in the day, thanks to the inclusion of numerous Force-bound Sith determined to stop you in your tracks.

Stringing together Force powers with three different lightsaber stances made each encounter intense - and nothing was as satisfying as watching the 360-degree slow-motion camera spin after cutting off an opponent's arm.Even facing off against regular stormtroopers was never boring, thanks to the ability to strangle and swing enemy soldiers off a cliff on a whim.

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